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Episode 58: Birth Stories with Terrell Baldock

by Mar 12, 20190 comments

Episode 58: Birth Stories with Terrell Baldock

On today’s episode, we talk with Terrell Baldock of Mom’s Fitness Boutique. She shares with us her 3 VERY DIFFERENT birth stories, and we discuss preparation, expectations, and being open to the possibilities.

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Resources and References:
Instagram: @terrell_baldock


Time Stamps:

1:02 – Today, we talk with Terrell Baldock about her 3 different birth experiences! – and an introduction!

2:10 – Terrell’s coaching journey before she had her first baby.

3:05 – The dangerous messaging around fitness in pregnancy and birth.

5:01 – Terrell shares about her first birth experience and how her recovery wasn’t what she expected.

11:58 – Where Terrell searched for resources and what she found.

13:52 – What Terrell felt during her second pregnancy, how she prepared, and – consequently – going into that next birth.

18:04 – Was Terrell still immersed in this fit pregnancy culture during her second pregnancy? Was it mentally difficult to be away from exercise during that time?

20:49 – Terrell tells us about her incredible second birth…

30:04 – Did Terrell feel more prepared for this birth, or more surprised about how this birth played out? And what was her recovery like?

35:42 – How did Terrell’s physical and mental health fair as she moved into her third pregnancy, and what did that pregnancy and birth look like?

56:25 – Advice for first-time expecting moms as they prepare for their first birth.

57:25 – How Terrell feels her births have affected her professional life.

1:03:59 – Which of the three birth experiences changed her the most.

1:05:17 – Episode wrap up and where to find her.

1:06:30 – On the next episode of To Birth and Beyond…