Episode 247: how to ditch your guilt around exercise
In today’s episode, Jessie and Anita talk about a highly requested subject, pertinent especially around this time of year: guilt around exercise. We want this to not be something that is all-consuming so your relationship to exercise could be simpler and more relaxed.
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Show Notes:
0:58 – To Pregnancy and Beyond Program enrolment is open, now!
4:24 – What we are talking about today – and why now!
5:49 – Has Anita ever gone through a period of guilt around exercise?
7:14 – Jessie’s experience with guilt around exercise
8:13 – Look at the expectations you are setting for yourself around exercise, where it’s coming from, and if you want to subscribe to it anymore
14:50 – Really try to understand what that guilt is about, and if there are underlying feelings to that guilt sensation
17:40 – How do we move through and begin to shed the fat phobia?
22:42 – Recap and wrap of the episode!