Episode 356: How To Take Care of Your C-Section Scar Through the First 6 Weeks
In today’s episode, Anita and Jessie get into the nitty gritty of initial healing for a cesarean scar, post-birth. This can be helpful if you are planning a cesarean, as well as if you aren’t (some considerations can be made for the unplanned). They cover Anita’s experience as a physiotherapist, as well as Jessie’s experience with both planned and unplanned cesareans.
Episode 355: 5 Things To Do Right Now To Reduce Your Prolapse Symptoms
In today’s episode, Jessie and Anita are answering a very specific question from a client of Jessie’s that came in recently, regarding how to reduce prolapse symptoms when you don’t have much downtime. Anita and Jessie will share their top 5 suggestions that can be implemented immediately, can take you 5 minutes or less, and will hopefully have a big impact on the reduction of those prolapse symptoms.
Episode 354: How to Rediscover Your Personal Style When Your Body Has Changed, with Elsa Isaac
In today’s episode, Jessie talks with Elsa Isaac, personal wardrobe stylist for ambitious women, all about styling our changing bodies! We discuss everything from Elsa’s journey into wardrobe styling, her methodology to take the guesswork out of styling, and how to style for an ever-changing body (immediate postpartum and beyond). Elsa even shares what has changed in her personal style as a postpartum person in her 40s! So, strap in for today’s episode – you are in for a treat!
Episode 353: How Jenna Rebuilt Her Foundation of Strength & Fitness After Giving Birth
In today’s episode, Jessie talks with Jenna – dance teacher, personal trainer, and previous participant of To Pregnancy and Beyond – about her experience rebuilding her strength, postpartum.
Episode 352: REPLAY – Informed Decision-Making During Birth with Mandy Irby
In today’s replay of Episode 281, Anita invites special guest Mandy Irby on to talk all about informed consent when it comes to birth.
Episode 351: How Not To Freak Out When You Look At Your Vulva After Birth
In today’s episode, Jessie and Anita talk about what to expect post-vaginal birth when it comes to your vulva. As people with vulvas, we have been conditioned to understand what a “good” vulva or vagina looks like, and things may seem a different – visually and in how it feels – post-vaginal birth. Today’s topic is brought to you by a recent conversation Jessie had with a friend and fellow fitness professional, and is a topic that comes up in Anita’s work daily.