Episode 299: An Exercise Approach for Pregnancy & Postpartum After Eating Disorder Recovery
In today’s episode, Jessie chats with friend and client, Natasha, all about her experience in Jessie’s To Pregnancy and Beyond program. She touches on her journey in exercise and body image, as well as the shifts she has experienced in everything (including how she treats herself) because of her participation in To Pregnancy and Beyond
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Resources and references
0:55 – To Pregnancy and Beyond is open for enrolment NOW!
2:42 – Introduction to our special guest, Natasha!
4:48 – How does birthing 3 babies feel on the other side?
6:43 – What was Natasha going through when she started following Jessie, and what did she start following Jessie?
8:10 – How did Natasha get into a good place with body image for that first pregnancy?
14:20 – After a couple of pregnancies, where is Natasha at with body image today?
17:42 – Over the past 5 years (and 3 pregnancies), what has exercise looked like for Natasha?
20:45 – Has anything else changed for Natasha in this last postpartum recovery time? Has the way she takes care of herself through exercise shifted at all?
23:55 – If someone is thinking about joining To Pregnancy and Beyond, what would Natasha tell them? + Episode wrap up!