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Episode 112: Liesel Teen – Labor and Delivery Nurse!

by Mar 17, 20200 comments

Episode 112: Liesel Teen – Labor and Delivery Nurse

In today’s episode, Anita talks with Liesel Teen all about labor and delivery nursing!

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Resources and References:

Instagram: Mommy Labor Nurse

Birth It Up – Online Childbirth Ed Course

The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast


Time Stamps:

1:59 – An introduction to our guest: Liesel Teen!

3:28 – What got her into nursing, and how the role has been for Liesel!

9:03 – If someone is expecting, what role does a labor and delivery nurse play once they get to the hospital?

17:03 – Typically, how many patients does a labor and delivery nurse attend to at one time?

20:35 – Attending a midwife birth vs. a physician: what’s the difference?

22:09 – What unglamorous behind-the-scenes work is involved in nursing?

26:13 – How does a labor and delivery nurse work alongside a doula?

28:45 – What are her go-to comfort measures?

33:19 – How does she talk about epidurals with patients ahead of time?

38:09 – How do partners do in the birthing room?

40:12 – Liesel shares about her son’s birth and her experience getting back to work, afterwards!

44:00 – Three recommendations Liesel would give expectant parents.

50:00 – How we can find Liesel online – social media, podcast, courses…oh my!

54:55 – Wrap up!