Episode 153: The Journey to Perineal Scar Revision with Hayley Chisholm
Episode 153: The Journey to Perineal Scar Revision with Hayley Chisholm
In today’s episode, Jessie talks with Hayley Chisholm about her experience of vaginal scarring and pain across multiple births, and how she chose to resolve it with surgery.
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Resources and References:
Jessie’s Glute Getter Guide: https://jessiemundell.com/glute-getter-guide/
TBAB episode 26: Tips for Perineal Healing – http://tobirthandbeyond.com/perineal-healing-tips/
TBAB episode 4: First 6 weeks of postpartum recovery- http://tobirthandbeyond.com/first-6-weeks-postpartum/
Show Notes:
0:57 – Introducing Jessie’s Glute Getter Guide!
2:30 – What we are talking about today with our special guest, Hayley!
3:09 – Hayley discusses the procedure she had done
4:50 – Hayley’s first birth story into preparation for her second birth
15:00 – Planned recovery from birth #2
17:30 – Urogynecologist visit and decision around the scar tissue
19:15 – Surgery preparation and recovery
22:03 – How long postpartum was Hayley when she had her surgery?
22:55 – The idea of “suffering through” the pain as a vulva-bearing human, and advocating for yourself
24:20 – On vaginal steaming and Hayley’s experience with it
27:23 – Addressing the privilege to access care, and insurance
30:31 – What is Hayley’s continued management and recovery 5 months post surgery?
32:35 – On advocating for yourself