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Episode 50: Plus Size Pregnancy with Bebo Mia

by Jan 22, 20190 comments

Episode 50: Plus Size Pregnancy with Bebo Mia

Today, we are talking with Bianca and Natasha, co-founders of bebo mia which offers training, mentorship, and community for your pregnancy, birth, and parenting biz!

Together, we discuss plus size pregnancy, and the implications that go along with it. This includes – but isn’t limited to – considerations for plus size bodies, how plus size bodies in pregnancy are managed, advocating for plus size bodies, and – moving forward – how fitness and health professionals can better support those that are considered plus size during pregnancy and birth.

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Resources and References:

1). Website  – courses, doula directory  –

2).  Bebo Mia Facebook  –

3). Bebo  Mia Instagram  –

All  To Birth  & Beyond Podcast  listeners get 20% off  the course with code: BIRTHBEYOND  

For  listeners  of the podcast,  Bebo Mia has generously  gifted us a 20% discount for their Maternal  Support Practitioner  Training,  which  is their  in-house doula  training program.  You can find the coupon  code to apply at checkout  of the course in today’s show  notes. Please note this is an affiliate  link, which means we will receive a small  commission from any registrations, from our direct  link, which will go directly to fund the To Birth and Beyond podcast and it’s production.


Time Stamps:

1:01 – Introduction to today’s topic and special guests!

2:25 – What made the ladies of Bebo Mia look more into plus size pregnancy

4:48 – What is even considered “plus size”, and what is the average size of a woman-identifying person in North America?

7:45 – Do we talk about “fat” pregnant bodies, or is the accepted term “plus size pregnancy”? …and the idea of “fat vaginas”

10:30 – What are some common myths surrounding plus size pregnancy?

12:00 – How much higher is the risk of things like gestational diabetes with a plus size pregnancy, and how to lower that risk!

13:43 – What are some of the issues that may come up with a care provider that can interfere with prenatal care and birth preferences for an expectant person who is considered plus size?

18:00 – Layering additional factors of marginalized communities….

18:48 – Ways that plus size bodies are managed in birth that other bodies wouldn’t be managed.

21:45 – VBACs in plus size pregnancy

22:42 – As doulas, are your plus size pregnant clients counseled on losing weight during pregnancy ever?

24:42 – Weight gain goals in pregnancy from care providers and damage to mental and emotional health.

28:18 – How can someone considered plus size find support in a birth setting?

30:14 – Have you seen clients change care providers, or not be supported, and how do you doula in that situation?

32:06 – Are there any other specific questions that folx should ask in regards to plus size births that their care provider has already attended?

35:20 – For fitness and health professionals: how can we better support those that are considered plus size during pregnancy and birth?

38:34 – On the next episode of To Birth and Beyond…