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Episode 118: Postpartum Exercise Q&A

by Apr 28, 20200 comments

Episode 118: Postpartum Exercise Q&A

Today’s episode is a replay of a Q&A session Anita and Jessie had regarding postpartum exercise over Instagram Live!

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Resources and References:

4 Minute C-section Scar Massage Guide


Time Stamps:

0:55 – Scar Massage Freebie Info!

3:38 – When can I start exercising after having a C-section?

6:40 – I had a third degree tear. When can I start strength training again?

9:15 – When can I start Cesarean scar massage? Will this impact when I can return to exercise?

14:12 – I am struggling with getting clients back to high-impact exercise without them leaking…

19:30 – Can I do crunches postpartum?

23:40 – I am a fitness coach and want to start offering classes to new moms. How early is it OK for them to start working out?

27:08 – Thoughts on support leggings postpartum?

30:22 – Can you review safe exercises and breathing for lifting strategies, for people that have pelvic organ prolapse?

36:58 – What can I expect the first few days postpartum?

44:20 – Is swimming after a vaginal birth in the cards?

45:48 – Which is best for what types of achy body problems?

48:25 – What is your type of workout for postpartum people?

50:16 – Wrap up