Episode 61: Prenatal and Postnatal Massage with Nicole Nifo
Episode 61: Prenatal and Postnatal Massage with Nicole Nifo
In today’s episode, we talk with Nicole Nifo about all things massage therapy in and around pregnancy!
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Resources and References:
Nicole Nifo massage therapy services : https://fullyalivewellness.com/
Perinatal Massage Therapy courses: https://perinatalmassagetherapyeducation.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PerinatalMassageTherapyEducation/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perinatalmassage_education/
Time Stamps:
0:56 – 2nd Annual Postnatal Fitness Fastrack Series
2:30 – Introduction to our guest expert, Nicole Nifo, and her journey (so far) in massage therapy!
6:58 – What does a “normal” day in the life look like for Nicole? Who comes through her doors, and how she works with other health care providers as a team.
14:15 – What are most of Nicole’s pregnant clients seeing her for?
19:42 – What are some of the benefits of prenatal massage that many people don’t know about?
29:49 – Are there any reasons a person shouldn’t have massage during pregnancy?
31:37 – Nicole expands on how she works with other health care professionals as a team to support pregnant people.
35:00 – Postnatal massage: how to bust through every excuse not to go, and tips on comfort!
42:12 – Why would people get postpartum massages?
48:29 – Nicole shares what courses she teaches and HOW she teaches them!
54:00 – Where to find Nicole and her courses!