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Episode 189: Untangling Your Body Composition From Exercising

by Aug 3, 20210 comments

Episode 189: Untangling Your Body Composition From Exercising

Today, Jessie talks with her colleague, Tara Abel, about how they each stopped thinking about exercise as solely a tool for weight loss, and how you can, too!

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TPAB Trial:


Show Notes:


0:55 – To Pregnancy and Beyond TRIAL!

2:47 – Who we are talking with today

3:16 – What we are talking about today!

4:50 – When each of us realized that exercise had become a way to keep our bodies a certain way/size/composition?

18:37 – What happened when each of us decided to approach exercise differently?

30:46 – What we hope you understand/realize in listening to/relating to our stories

33:20 – What is it like for each of us now, in 2021?

41:19 – If your body is larger during this pandemic, we’ve got a message for you

45:44 – Wrap up!