0:55 – The waitlist for Anita’s LIVE online Bump to Birth Method is open now!
3:06 – What we are talking about today!
4:15 – Do you have questions around why you had a cesarean birth last time?
5:50 – Do you feel trauma around your past birth experience?
7:57 – What was your support team like the first time you gave birth?
10:24 – This time around, are you seeking out a care provider that is supportive of VBAC?
12:48 – Was there anything missing last time with the prep that you want to do differently this time?
16:09 – Partner preparation to support you
20:10 – To round out the mental prep: what are some mental ways to keep you focused during labor?
22:12 – Addressing your initial cesarean scar prior to giving birth again
23:49 – Addressing your pelvic floor prior to giving birth again
27:05 – Mobility exercises
29:20 – Strength training
30:34 – Wrap up!