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Episode 376: Getting Prepared with Bump to Birth – Brooke’s Birth Story

by Jan 21, 20250 comments

Episode 376: Getting Prepared with Bump to Birth – Brooke’s Birth Story

In today’s episode, Anita sits down with guest Brooke Holloway, who shares her personal journey through pregnancy, birth preparation, and postpartum recovery. Brooke discusses her planned pregnancy, the emotional ups and downs she faced, her experiences with healthcare providers, and the resources she utilized to prepare for childbirth (including Anita’s Bump to Birth course). The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the birthing process, the role of pelvic floor health, and the realities of navigating an unplanned induction and C-section. 

One of the most requested types of episodes here on the podcast is the sharing of birth stories, as it helps our clients prep for birth, and we are excited to bring more of those to you throughout out tenure!
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Show Notes  
0:59 – Anita’s self-paced Bump to Birth program
2:47 – Anita introduces special guest Brooke Holloway
4:32 – Brooke shares how she felt physically, mentally, and emotionally in pregnancy
9:06 – Brooke explains how she chose her care providers
11:44 – Brooke shares some steps she took in pregnancy to prepare for birth (from professionals to Bump to Birth to exercise)?
19:15 – Brooke recounts her birth experience, including how her preparation helped her during this experience (an induction that, after reflection, she wishes she wouldn’t have agreed to so quickly)
28:15 – Brooke talks about her partner and birthing position support and what she wishes she would have done differently in that area
34:00 – Brooke shares how she felt about making her decision to have a C-section, and what that experience was like
42:27 – Brooke talks us through her postpartum recovery – the part she felt she had the most control over
44:22 – Anita wraps up the episode as she asks Brooke how she felt her birth experience was, overall